Friday, July 12, 2013

The power of water

This was about two weeks ago, so I don't have all the details.  Scientists in California have made the worlds most powerful laser. Instead of using this massive laser (Which burns through metal) to, well, burn things, they boiled water with it. Whats so important about that? The particles in the water got super  excited, and with nano technology scientists think they can harness the energy of excited water to power our lives. If all the kinks get worked out, a huge city like L.A could be powered for a day...with one cup of water. Imagine what this can do not only for cheap, clean energy, but for fuel. What if this was managed into  generators? Water in this manner  couldn't  propel a ship, but may be compact enough to fuel electronics on a long journey.

1 comment:

  1. This is amazing, if this goes developed and a sample population is powered by this cleanly and safely, we may see the loss of the need for nuclear energy, which means safer and cleaner energy. Hydro-power has already been proven, we see examples of that in dams all over the world...if we no longer had to force rivers to diverge, wreck ecosystems by changing the landscape, and creating possible time-bomb structures...we may see a much more natural energy-balanced environment over time. If even one country successfully adopted this method, all other forms would be viewed and detrimental and may even go to force the large giants to reconsider their power sources. And, of course, if excited water was such a viable energy source, this means a rocket, filled with thousands of gallons would be able to travel near incomprehensible distances on one tank. Very interesting...
